Eurasian Integration: the Role of Russia’s Spatial Potential

Eurasian Integration:
the Role of Russia’s Spatial Potential

Simonyan R.Kh.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Chief Researcher of the Institute of International Studies, MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 9246

For citation:

Simonyan R.Kh. Eurasian Integration: the Role of Russia’s Spatial Potential. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2022. No 8. P. 84-94


Territorial aspects of social processes, which are the subject of the study of the sociology of space, are becoming increasingly relevant for our country due to the expansion of economic ties between the West and the East and the increasing importance of the territory of Russia connecting the European Union and the countries of the Asia-Pacific region – the main beneficiaries in the future economic integration of Europe and Asia. In line with the sociology of space, the author examines the geostrategic potential of Russia in this process. The sociology of space contains two main meanings – physical, characterizing natural conditions, and social – the result of people’s activities to transform nature, the material environment, society and the person. The Russian state, which emerged on the foundation of European culture, developed in the process of close interaction with Asian cultures – first of all, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist, which determines the special role of the Russian social space in the future unification of Europe and Asia into a single mega-continent. For Russia itself, this means that it has the prospect of converting its unique experience of centuries– old coexistence in a Christian state of various civilizations and cultures, as well as its geographical advantage – bi-continentality into real economic results. To substantiate the reality of this perspective, the author relies on a broad factual base.

sociology of space; Eurasian integration; social space of Russia; cultural resource of interactive processes


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Content No 8, 2022