Vladimir Nikolaevich Shubkin: Fate and Creativity

Vladimir Nikolaevich Shubkin:
Fate and Creativity

Cherednichenko G.A.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Chief Researcher, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia galcher2211@gmail.com

ID of the Article: 9724

For citation:

Cherednichenko G.A. Vladimir Nikolaevich Shubkin: Fate and Creativity. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2023. No 8. P. 3-13


V.N. Shubkin is known as a sociologist for his Novosibirsk research: this is how he is referred to by the American Sociological Association. The memories of him by his student, assistant, co-author show a broader picture of his creativity, associated, in particular, with special milestones in his biography. V.N. Shubkin also contributed to the development of international comparative sociological research. At the same time, along with sociology, he always gravitated toward journalistic and literary activity. In his essays, the author conveys to the general reader ideas about the possibilities and limits of sociology as the study of human behavior, and speaks of the need to supplement and combine social analysis with humanitarian knowledge about people. Author’s understanding of the prehistory of both current and past events allows to respond to current social problems talking about freedom and violence, and questioning morality. In a special way, as an ordinary participant in World War II, V.N. Shubkin describes sociology of this war.

V.N. Shubkin; memoirs; sociological research; sociological journalism; Novosibirsk project


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Content No 8, 2023