Economic Elite of Crimea after 2014

Economic Elite of Crimea after 2014

Kolesnik N.V.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Senior Researcher, Sociological Institute of FCTAS RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia

ID of the Article: 9765

For citation:

Kolesnik N.V. Economic Elite of Crimea after 2014. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2023. No 9. P. 41-50


The functioning of the regional elite of new Russian territories is analyzed on the example of Crimea after 2014. The focus of the study is a biographical analysis of the characteristics of 124 leaders of large economic structures of Crimea and 150 deputies of the Crimean parliament of two convocations. The analysis of the data showed that the economic segment of the Crimean elite after integration into the Russian Federation was partially updated. The study revealed that among the owners of economic assets, the management of SUEs, there are more dynamic updates than in other segments of the economic elite. At the same time, if there is recruitment to top positions in Crimean companies, the most often on closed grounds, when there is a transfer from one managerial position to another in the form of maintaining an elite position after 2014. The peak of new appointments/elections to high economic positions in regional companies falls on 2015–2016, when Crimea was integrated into the Russian Federation. An analysis of the forms of interaction between the economic and political elite showed that within the deputies of two convocations (2014 and 2019), representatives of the economic elite occupy more than half of the seats. This only strengthens the elite integration within the region and shows that business is an important part in the political career of deputies.

crimean elite; transformation; economic and political elite


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Content No 9, 2023