On the Way to a Sovereign Russian Civilization

On the Way to a Sovereign Russian Civilization

Titarenko L.G.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Prof., Belarusian State University, Belarus; Associate Researcher, Sociological Institute of FCTAS RAS, Russia larissa@bsu.by

ID of the Article: 9815

For citation:

Titarenko L.G. On the Way to a Sovereign Russian Civilization. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2023. No 10. P. 162-167


The scientific significance, theoretical relevance of the monograph “Russian society: architectonics of civilizational development” are explored. Published two years ago, the monograph has become even more relevant in the new socio-political situation, which confirms that Russia has no other way of development than a sovereign one. The latter suggests the need for its own concept of civilizational development of Russia, one of the variants of which is proposed by the authors of the monograph. The presented author’s theoretical interpretation of Russian civilization takes into account previous approaches to civilization, bringing together the socio-structural, socio-cultural, institutional and subjective aspects. The interest to the monograph is increased by the consideration of debatable interpretations of civilization and its determinants, as well as well-reasoned criticisms of another approach to the path of Russian civilization development – modernization. The authors show that this path involves dependence on Western models, without taking into account the national specifics of culture, identity, and the peculiarities of the socio-economic structure of Russia, and therefore it loses to the civilizational one, which offers a model of sovereign development.

Russian civilization; civilizational approach; multi-modernities; modernization; sovereign development


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Content No 10, 2023