Students of the Russia and Kazakhstan Border Regions on the Problems of Good Neighborliness in the Conditions of Rapprochement Between Europe and Asia
Simonyan R.Kh.
Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Chief Researcher of the Institute of International Studies, MGIMO University, Moscow, Russia
The article was prepared with the financial support of MGIMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia within the framework of project No. 1921-01-01 “The Sociocultural Phenomenon of the Border Area in the Post-Soviet Space: Mass Consciousness, Ethnocultural and Confessional Identities, Social Practices”
Simonyan R.Kh. Students of the Russia and Kazakhstan Border Regions on the Problems of Good Neighborliness in the Conditions of Rapprochement Between Europe and Asia. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2022. No 5. P. 114-122
Intercivilizational interaction, the main arena of which today is the Eurasian continent, is one of the fundamental problems of social science. Of particular interest are the border zones where it is directly carried out. The article examines the Russian-Kazakh border area – a space of centuries-old cultural dialogue of various civilizations, which is insufficiently studied today, this primarily relates to the social aspect. The demand for knowledge about the Russian-Kazakh border area is becoming especially relevant due to the growing importance of Asia for Russia. The author considers the border between countries not so much as a state-legal institution with material infrastructure necessary to ensure national security and interaction with neighboring states, but rather the consciousness and activity of people who ensure performance of these functions. The development of interstate relations imposes a special responsibility to fulfill the tasks of the border area on young people, as the most active and promising part of the population. The results of a comparative study of the regional consciousness of graduates of universities of the two countries are presented, similarities and differences of perceptions, perceptions, assessments, orientations and attitudes are revealed, which confirms the close relationship and closeness of the worldview of students in border regions of Russia and Kazakhstan.
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