Соntemporary challenges and realities of professional orientation efforts within the system ‘school – university – labor market’

Соntemporary challenges and realities of professional orientation efforts within the system ‘school – university – labor market’

Shafranov-Кutsev G.F.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Research Supervisor, University of Tyumen, Tyumen, Russia. g.f.kucev@utmn.ru

ID of the Article: 5040

For citation:

Shafranov-Кutsev G.F. Соntemporary challenges and realities of professional orientation efforts within the system ‘school – university – labor market’ . Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2015. No 1. P. 120-128


Cultural moral values and social professional interests of high school students are discussed, as well as factors shaping them. It is stated that a key issue here is inflated self-assessment of intellectual capabilities by the school students that leads them to mistaken choice of both university and profession. Making of network-programs in professional orientation is analyzed within the system ’schools-university-labor market’ in Urals federal district.


professional orientation; professional choice; cultural moral values; students; potential migrants; social loafers
Content No 1, 2015