Islamic community in the Republic of Adygeya: current situation and trends in development

Islamic community in the Republic of Adygeya:
current situation and trends in development

Khanakhu R.А.

Adygeya republican institute of humanitarian studies, Maykop, Russia

ID of the Article: 5507

For citation:

Khanakhu R.А., Islamic community in the Republic of Adygeya: current situation and trends in development. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2014. No 10. P. 97-103


A study of the situation in Islamic community of the Republic of Agygeya serves for forecasting trends in its evolution basing on the interviews of Moslem clergy and experts, as well аs a mass survey. The authors managed to find out degree of Islam prevalence – depth of acquaintance with Islamic theology, following/not-following prescriptions and cults, etc.

Islam; Moslems; religiosity level; Islamic community
Content No 10, 2014