Development of rural territories of Russia: estimates, opinions, expectations

Development of rural territories of Russia: estimates, opinions, expectations

Bondarenko L.V.

Center of social policies and monitoring of rural development ‘All-Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Agricultural Economy’, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 6102

For citation:

Bondarenko L.V. Development of rural territories of Russia: estimates, opinions, expectations. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2016. No 3. P. 76-82


The article provides an analysis of the socio-economic condition of agriculture, the results of the expert survey of heads of rural local self-government and leaders of agricultural organizations. The estimation is suggested of changes in the Russian village, actual and expected contribution to the rural development, of state and Federal programs, of opinions on priorities of development.

rural areas; government support; changes in the Russian village; state and Federal programs; migration attitudes; development priorities; regional policy
Content No 3, 2016