Sociology of life: dynamics of food – from food chains to the humanistic biopolitics
Аndreev I.L.
Institute of philosophy, Russian academy of sciences, Moscow, Russia
Nazarova L.N.
I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russia
Аndreev I.L., Nazarova L.N. Sociology of life: dynamics of food – from food chains to the humanistic biopolitics. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2016. No 7. P. 101-109
Modern stage of development of Russian sociology is characterized by a marked strengthening of influence from natural science component, in particular, the biological context of life and related patterns of perception of reality and of human behavior. New publications on the sociology of life, clearly visible not only large-scale consolidation of the problematic field of social studies, but also a kind of return on new methodological and information base to the ideas and works of P.A. Sorokin, who comprehensively studied the effect of food on the livelihoods of people and society. In this context, the authors of the article consider bioevolution, ethno-historical and socio-medical dynamics of food, starting from the origin of humanity to the information/computer era.