Temporal semantic distanciation in the field of social cohesion (an analysis of social networks)

Temporal semantic distanciation in the field of social cohesion (an analysis of social networks)

Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N.

Dr. Sci. (Philos), Prof., Director, Scientific and educational regional center for monitoring research of Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov, Saratov, Russia. yarskayasmirnovavn@sstu.ru

ID of the Article: 6511

For citation:

Yarskaya-Smirnova V.N. Temporal semantic distanciation in the field of social cohesion (an analysis of social networks). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 1. P. 14-24


The article reveals the content of the social cohesion concept through temporal and the network approach presented as original experience of the distanciation between social groups. It articulates methodological approach to the application of quantitative and qualitative strategies of social cohesion researching, develops conceptual device of the category of cohesion, based on a relationship with semantically close concepts of equality, integration, temporality, trust, solidarity. The author presents main results of a series of studies of factors that shape regional model of social cohesion. The author’s idea is aimed at identifying formation of a higher level of social justice, mitigation of social inequalities in the temporal context. Direct application of the temporal approach is argued for not only as relevant research tool and acute practical issue, but also as a revision of the static analysis of the graph structure in favor of dynamical categories of cohesion – in the context of the intensity of intra-group interactions. Current trend to the formation of a new type of social communities, social identity, involvement is stated. According to author, the concept of distanciation allows to conceptualize phenomenon of institutional order: a social system links participants of interaction regardless of distance from the network, or everyday life, but depending on acceptable quality of life.

social cohesion; networking; distanciation; mixed methodology; cohesion model; network approach; temporality


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Content No 1, 2017