Solidary activity in Russian society: creative practice
Volkov Yu.G.
Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Research Director of the Institute of Sociology and Regional Studies of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Volkov Yu.G. Solidary activity in Russian society: creative practice. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 2. P. 41-48
This article is devoted to the formation of the Russian Society for Solidarity activities, joint social practices that carry out different social groups and strata, especially on the social micro level, for the purpose of social self-realization, participation in socially relevant matters in coordination with state institutions as the embodiment of national unity, security and stability necessary for developing social creativity in the Russian society. Nowadays a demand for social solidarity, which is not connected to solidarity of equality and compassion, but to mutual responsibility of the elites and society, community groups and the state, is formed. Therefore, it is solidary activity which includes the ability to give an adequate assess of the changes that took place in social life of Russian society in recent years. The mass consciousness of the Russian society associate solidary activity with the willingness to implement socially useful activity in the life, and with the influence on the government decision-making process and on functioning of public institutions in general. The desire for joint activity as a positive form of social participation is connected to a sense of patriotism and has social and projective orientation. Therefore solidarity activity is realized to the fullest extent in the creative practices. Because the mechanisms of influence on the state functioning are implemented through mass social creativity. Documented creative practices demonstrate that a new type of social activity, focused on a consistent life stance, related to the recognition of personal success in correlation with the impact on the public interest is formed.
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