Technology of the analysis respondents` non-verbal reactions to sociological tools in pilot research

Technology of the analysis respondents` non-verbal reactions to sociological tools in pilot research

Puzanova Z. V.

Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Prof., Sociology Chair, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia puzanova_

Larina T. I.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Assistant, Peoples` Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 6564

For citation:

Puzanova Z. V., Larina T. I. Technology of the analysis respondents` non-verbal reactions to sociological tools in pilot research. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 2. P. 110-119


Non-verbal characteristics of human behavior are the spokesmen of human emotions, of what person wants to say, or, vice-versa, tries to conceal. Subject of non-verbal behavior is important not only in psychology, but also in sociology, but currently there is no unified analysis technology for non-verbal reactions in empirical sociological research. Sociologist receives information about the subject of his research – on the state of society, its various sectors, evaluation of social phenomena and other problems – from people. In modern science, the use of non-verbal information is often confronted with suspicion by the scientific community due to the popularization of nonverbal behavior topics and the lack of clear procedures of its application in sociological research. This paper presents the results of methodical experiments. The first experiment established the possibility of using analysis of non-verbal reactions of respondents to the questions in sociological questionnaire in the pilot study in order to improve its quality. The second experiment gives the technology of the analysis of non-verbal reactions of respondents to the questionnaire in pilot sociological research. A possible fixation and analysis of non-verbal reactions of the respondents to the questionnaire for mass surveys has been found during the pilot studies using the method of interview (validation method). On the basis of mainly Ekman`s theories authors created the technology of the analysis respondents` non-verbal reactions to sociological tools in pilot sociological researches.

basic emotions; sociological experiment; pilot study; sensitive questions; the respondent; triangulation


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Content No 2, 2017