About the limitations of the materialist approach to demographic and migration policies

About the limitations of the materialist approach to demographic and migration policies

Dmitriyev A.V.

Dr. Sci. (Phil.); Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Sciences; Chief Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia mig@isras.ru

ID of the Article: 6595

For citation:

Dmitriyev A.V. About the limitations of the materialist approach to demographic and migration policies. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 3. P. 24-28


The author, reflecting on the content of the book by the famous scholar L. L. Rybakovskiy, believes that in Russian sociology and demography, there is quite a simplistic understanding of the causes for migration: reducing them to an economic interpretation. Thus, not enough is taken into account so-called “human factor”. In this regard, the study of migration suggests an approach based on the contradictions of “inclusion” and “exclusion” of various groups and individuals from the social and economic processes in the society. Migration analysis reveals two levels of possible risks: strengthening Russian and nationalist sentiment in the host countries; marginalized increasing migration of minorities contributes to their greater cohesion and aggression. Considering the text L. L. Rybakovskiy monograph, the author casts doubt on the thesis of the economic determination of contemporary migration processes. Migrants do not cancel their “utilitarian” needs and are looking for their place in the hierarchy of their values (safety, education, etc.). This fact must be considered by migration researchers greater than now.

migration; migrant workers; refugees; demography; stereotypes; risks; integration


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Content No 3, 2017