Postmodernism and sociology: dangers or opportunities?

Postmodernism and sociology: dangers or opportunities?

Chudova I.А.

Cand. Sci (Soc.), Associate Professor of the Department of Sociology Faculty of Economics, National Research Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia

ID of the Article: 6653

For citation:

Chudova I.А. Postmodernism and sociology: dangers or opportunities?. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 4. P. 122-128


In this article points of criticism of postmodernism from a position of understanding opportunities and potential of postmodernism in sociology are considered. With a focus on selected points of criticism the bases for recognition of importance of postmodernism in sociology as a theoretical platform for the research of actual social problems and processes are shown. The lines of argument aim at maintaining following ideas: postmodern theories consider actual social problems and give their own critical diagnosis of a condition of society, have ideological connection with previous theories in sociology, offer their own reference points of the socio-political project.

postmodernism; criticism of postmodernism; potential of a postmodernism; modernism; social-projective thinking


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Content No 4, 2017