Representatives of the Caucasian peoples in socio-professional status communities of the South of Russia: trends of Post-Soviet period

Representatives of the Caucasian peoples in socio-professional status communities of the South of Russia:
trends of Post-Soviet period

Sushchiy S.Ya.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Chief researcher, Federal Research Center the Southern Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don, Russia

ID of the Article: 6680

For citation:

Sushchiy S.Ya. Representatives of the Caucasian peoples in socio-professional status communities of the South of Russia: trends of Post-Soviet period. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 5. P. 3-16


The article analyzes socio-professional orientations of Caucasian population of the several regions of Southern Russia and the level of their presence in professional communities (medicine, science, higher education, law enforcement and the judiciary, executive and legislative power). Considering the insular nature of the information about national identity, we developed a method of analysis of these employees’ professional communities through a comprehensive assessment of their nominal parameters (name, patronymic, surname). With the help of this method over 27 thousand representatives of various regions of the status communities in southern Russia were analyzed. The research revealed that the stereotype of the modern Russian social consciousness, according to which “Caucasians” are oriented mainly on trade, brokering activities and various forms of shadow business, is largely incorrect. At the same time the degree of the Caucasian presence in various professional communities varies widely. Health care has a high attractiveness for them. Proportion of Armenians (as well as representatives of other peoples of the Caucasus) among the staff of medical institutions of the South Russian regions was several times higher than their proportion in the structure of the entire local population. In the area of judicial and law enforcement practice representatives of the Caucasian community are interested in advocacy, a significant amount of them is currently working in the police. Their minimal presence is detected among prosecutors and staff personnel of courts. A number of representatives of the Caucasus is growing in the field of science and higher education in the regions of South Russia. However, in those professional communities their presence (with the exception of the Armenians) is still inferior to Russian and other ethnic groups of “old-timers”. The presence of “Caucasians” is increasing among the deputies different levels, as well as among the staff of all structures of executive power. But this process is slow and still remains a rarity among senior management representatives from the Caucasus. However, considering that the main group of employees representing ethnic Caucasus is located on the lower and middle floors of their administrative structures, in a short time (10–15 years) increase of their presence on the higher floors of the regional authorities should be expected. The analysis permitted us to make a conclusion that trading and business orientation of the Caucasian diasporas of the South of Russia is gradually complemented by a focus on the status. Besides, this is a stable trend, the results of which will become apparent in the foreseeable future.

Caucasian diasporas; regions of the South of Russia; socio-professional orientation; status professional communities


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Content No 5, 2017