Creative economy: how loss of knowledge could be stopped

Creative economy: how loss of knowledge could be stopped

Pavlov M. Yu.

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof., Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 7110

For citation:

Pavlov M. Yu. Creative economy: how loss of knowledge could be stopped. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 3. P. 144-148


The author argues that private intellectual property (PIP) refusal and ownership by everybody of everything can be very useful not only for society in general, but also for private owners. G. Snowden’s and J. Assange’s investigations demonstrated how useless and senseless could be protection of intellectual property in conditions of developed information and communication technologies. PIP leads to very substantial loss of knowledge that could be observed on NASA Apollo mission example. Also PIP causes very significant damage to future generations’ interests, because the biggest knowledge protection is actually not allowing them use and improve existing knowledge in full extent. How loss of knowledge could be stopped and overcome? Very interesting pattern of entirely new interrelation practice is wikinomics – economy of mass collaboration. It means peer production, open innovations and, after all, network, not hierarchical organization. And these changes lead to substantial shifts in organization of society and economy.

creative economy; creatosphere; open innovation; wikinomics; the ownership by everybody of everything; private intellectual property; NASA; NineSigma


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Content No 3, 2018