Globalization and Hybridization: Towards a New Social Order

Globalization and Hybridization: Towards a New Social Order

Yanitzky O.N.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Chief Researcher, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 7769

For citation:

Yanitzky O.N. Globalization and Hybridization: Towards a New Social Order. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2019. No 8. P. 8-18


The world is in a transition toward the global and hybrid condition. In this article the author examines the very notions of globalization and hybridization processes, the relationships between these two peculiarities of the modern world resulting, in particular, in the shaping of sociobiotechnical systems (hereafter the SBT-systems) of varying scale, and the relationships between them. I consider the very fact of an emergence and shaping of the SBT-systems as a result of numerous metabolic processes that are now peculiar both to natural and social worlds. On the other hand, a man since recently is capable to construct nature-like materials and living entities. Therefore, I consider the hybridization processes as the main way of the SBT-system construction and development. But the reverse side of the same coin is a new form of producing marginal man as a cumulative effect of a set of factors like a necessity to be permanently mobile and professionally upgrading coupled with the growing pressure of the consumerist ideology which generates individualization of a person’s behavior and loss of his/ her Motherland. Besides, the world of smart machines forces a man to communicate with the others in a digital language only. In sum, the above changes provoke chaotic state of living world and compel ordinary people together with the scientists, independent politicians and the grassroots to struggle collectively for a more just social order.

globalization; hybridization; marginal man; metabolic processes; the SBT-systems; time; transition period


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Content No 8, 2019