Self-preservation of Ethnos: Revisiting the Migration Functions

Self-preservation of Ethnos: Revisiting the Migration Functions

Topilin A.V.

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Prof., Chief Researcher, Institute of Socio-Political Research, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 7819

For citation:

Topilin A.V. Self-preservation of Ethnos: Revisiting the Migration Functions. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2019. No 9. P. 127-135


In the article, along with the generally accepted functions of migration, it is proposed to consider a new, additional function, the essence of which is expressed in ensuring self-defense and the development of the ethnic group as a single socio-cultural community. There is shown the role of migration in the settlement of peoples and the development of vast territories. There are revealed the features of ethnic migration and its main forms – refugees, forced migrants, repatriation, deportation. The concept of «ethnic migration potential» (EMF) is defined, which can be used to identify the diversity of relationships in ethnic migration processes, forecasting the stability of the ethnic group in extreme conditions and determine the threshold values of the preservation of the ethnic group integrity as a single ethnosocial mechanism. It is considered the features of the return migration of compatriots, including Russians from former Soviet republics, a program of repatriation of ethnic Kazakhs (oralmans) to their historic homeland, and the problems of ethnic Germans who migrated to Russia in the XVII century under Peter I and Catherine II, the tendency for the movement of the countries-participants of the CIS to the mono-ethnic structure of the population and the consequences of this process. The main directions of migration policy of Russia as a multi-ethnic state are proposed. The key provisions of this policy, based on Russia’s national interests and ensuring its economic security, should be achievement of stable natural growth of the population, including Russians as a state-forming people, the preservation of the status of a multinational state.

ethnic migration; ethnic migration potential; functions of migration; self-preservation of ethnos; migration policy


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Content No 9, 2019