May 1968 Events: Some Effects Half a Century Later
Ananyev B.I.
lecturer, Department of Political Theory, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) of MFA of Russia, Moscow, Russia
Ananyev B.I. May 1968 Events: Some Effects Half a Century Later. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2019. No 10. P. 76-82
The article is dedicated to the protest actions that took place in 1968 in Paris. Initially the strike comprised radical students’ groups; however, the French labor movement rapidly joined the protesters provoking de Gaulle’s resignation. The author primarily examines May events from the prospective of social philosophy and cultural studies, adding the issues from sociology, political psychology and a number of other disciplines. Thinking of 1968 events, the author takes into account current tendencies in the development of socio-political thought and poses a number of questions that make it possible to analyze the protests actions in terms of broad theoretical framework. What was the reason for the rapid consolidation of the initially politically antagonistic student and labor movements in France? What does the reflection of the 1968 in art show us?