All-Russian Identity in Dagestan (2016–2019 Surveys Data)

All-Russian Identity in Dagestan (2016–2019 Surveys Data)

Adiev A.Z.

Cand. Sci. (Polit.), Senior Research Fellow, Regional Centre for Ethnopolitical Researches, Dagestan Federal Research Center RAS, Makhachkala, Russia

ID of the Article: 8597

The reported study was funded by RFBR and EISR, project No. 20-011-31109 “Russian civic identity: a view from the North Caucasus”.

For citation:

Adiev A.Z. All-Russian Identity in Dagestan (2016–2019 Surveys Data). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2021. No 4. P. 136-142


Based on the materials of sociological surveys conducted in the Republic of Dagestan in 2016–2019, the article analyzes the state and dynamics of strengthening Russian civic identity in the mass consciousness of the region’s residents. In Dagestan, their religious, ethnic and local (communal) communities are traditionally strong and matter in the daily life of people, which, in general, does not interfere with the development of Russian self-awareness among Dagestanis. Polls show that 66–69% of the Dagestan residents display a Russian identity, and for the most part this does not contradict the ethnic and regional identity of the Dagestanis. An important socio-cultural component of Russian identity is Russian language, the communicative space of which in Dagestan is expanding every year. It was revealed that in the mass consciousness of Dagestanis, the statist understanding of their Russian identity (presupposing formation from above) is more developed than the civil one (which grew out of the political activity of the broad masses). This is not so much a reflection of the regional specifics as a reflection of the general situation in the country, characterized by institutional problems of the development of civil society.

macro identities; Russian identity; regional identity; ethnic identity; regionalism; Russian state nation; North Caucasus; the Republic of Dagestan


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Content No 4, 2021