Professions: Socio-Technological Dimension (a Methodological Analysis)

Professions: Socio-Technological Dimension (a Methodological Analysis)

Toshchenko Zh.T.

Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Philosophy, Academic Supervisor in the Sociological Faculty of the Russian State University for the Humanities; Chief Researcher of the Institute of Sociology of the Federal Scientific Research Center, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 9166

This article was completed within the framework of the state assignment (FSZG-2022-0001)

For citation:

Toshchenko Zh.T. Professions: Socio-Technological Dimension (a Methodological Analysis). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2022. No 6. P. 66-76


The article proposes to implement a special theoretical and methodological analysis, which is still little used in empirical research on various forms and types of professional activities. This analysis does not coincide with officially existing classification, which includes and characterizes 450 professions (or 9 enlarged professional groups). The proposed approach is based on the classification of professions on the basis of their socio-technological measurement, which involves the use of such indicators as the subject of labor, the content and nature of labor, the conditions, means and methods for its implementation, taking into account the influence of the external environment and assessing the achieved indicators. Buiding on this approach, the article characterizes four groups of professions: man–technology, man–nature, man–man, man–creativity. This approach allows to more deeply describe and understand the meaning of the profession, to reveal its essence and quality, to enrich ideas about a potential of each profession. And what is especially important – such an approach enabies to more clearly and substantively decide for each of these groups of professions, based on their general and special characteristics – how to really participate in solving such an important socio-economic task of the ongoing technological revolution – the growth of labor productivity, rationalization of employment, increase in production efficiency.

labor; socio-professional structure; professions “human–technology”; “human–nature”; “human–man”; “human–creativity”
Content No 6, 2022