The Ambivalences of Digitalization: the Demand of its National-Cultural Model for Sustainable Development
Kravchenko S.A.
Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Head of the Sociology Department, MGIMO-University; Chief Researcher, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Russia, Moscow, Russia
Kravchenko S.A. The Ambivalences of Digitalization: the Demand of its National-Cultural Model for Sustainable Development. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2022. No 9. P. 29-37
The author has analyzed ambivalences of digitalization, which change the factors that ensured sustainable development of socium and nature. It is shown that their consequences have a complex causality – they are depended not only on the objective trends of self-development of modern realities, but largely on people’s choice of ways to implement digital innovations, that are nationally and culturally conditioned. The rational-formal model of digitalization, as emerged in the West and imposed on us, is dominated by chaotization and dehumanization trends, its inherent trait is a “cancel culture” towards values of other nations. As an alternative to it, there has been proposed a national and cultural model of digitalization aiming to create qualitatively new opportunities for sustainable development of the country, taking into account confrontational geopolitical realities that have arisen. The author substantiates basic components of this model, quintessence of which is the governance of the content and characteristic features of digitalization processes, taking into account the culture and mentality of the Russians, their civilizational specificity. In this context, a reorientation of digital education from Western pragmatism to the goals of comprehensive personal development is arged for as well as the digitalization of health care – from the absolutization of the treatment protocol to finding its optimal balance with the art of healing. It is concluded that the proposed model of digitalization will nonlinearly increase potential for sustainable development of our society.