What Sprouts of Post-Capitalism are Capable of Ensuring Progress of Human Potential and Technological Modernization?

What Sprouts of Post-Capitalism are Capable of Ensuring Progress of Human Potential and Technological Modernization?

Yakovleva N.G.

Dr. Sci. (Econ.), Leading Researcher at the Center for Institutes of Socio-Economic Development of the Institute of Economics RAS, Moscow, Russia tetn@yandex.ru

ID of the Article: 9290

For citation:

Yakovleva N.G. What Sprouts of Post-Capitalism are Capable of Ensuring Progress of Human Potential and Technological Modernization?. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2022. No 9. P. 110-115


The author gives a critical analysis of the propositions put forward in D.A. Davydov’s article “The value foundations of post-capitalism: from the “mode of possession” to the individualism of self-fulfilling personalities?” (Sociological Studies. 2021. No. 12) and shows that the formation of self-realization values is a product not only of information technologies, but also of modern forms of market and capital that use these values, as well as social networks as such, to intensify their dominance. Because of this, the phenomena considered by D.A. Davydov cannot be fully attributed to postcapitalist, although post-market principles are indeed formed in them. Further, the article shows that the sprouts of post-market and post-capitalist relations are associated with the progress of the creative content of labor, which is a source of innovation and modernization of both technologies and socioeconomic institutions. The development of mass creative activity presupposes the progress of public education, healthcare and other spheres, where the predominant development of post-market and post-capitalist principles takes place, which create adequate forms for progress of human potential and modernization processes.

human potential; technological modernization; economic modernization; capitalism; post-market relations; post-capitalist relations
Content No 9, 2022