Treatment Practices in Public Perception: Based on Russian Nationwide Surveying

Treatment Practices in Public Perception: Based on Russian Nationwide Surveying

Fadeeva Е.V.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Assoc. Prof., Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia

ID of the Article: 9333

For citation:

Fadeeva Е.V. Treatment Practices in Public Perception: Based on Russian Nationwide Surveying. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2022. No 10. P. 138-145


The paper focuses on an analysis of reasons for low involvement of the population in the system of professional healthcare and the perception specifics of permissible treatment practices by Russians. Based on the secondary data about changes in the commitment of Russians to health preservation practices, assessment of how population is satisfied with the Russian healthcare system and subjective assessment of health status, it is shown that a significant proportion of citizens fail to adhere to a healthy lifestyle and undergo medical examinations widely applying self-medication without medical supervision, while declaring health to be a key social value. The long-established public distrust to healthcare professionals, coupled with the poor accessibility of healthcare and distinctly traced inequality arising from patients’ financial situation and age, have resulted in widely spread self-medication practices and neglect of the need to seek professional medical attention, which has caused a deep concern of the professional community and overburdened healthcare institutions amid the pandemic.

healthcare; accessibility of healthcare; health preserving behavior; healthy lifestyle; treatment practices; self-medication; pandemic


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Content No 10, 2022