Risk Factors for Drug Addiction (the Case of Mordovia Republic)

Risk Factors for Drug Addiction (the Case of Mordovia Republic)

Belova Yu.Yu.

Cand. Sci. (Soc.), Leading Research Fellow, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow, Russia ybelova@hse.ru

Korotkov P.A.

Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Assos. Prof., Volga State University of Technology, Yoshkar-Ola, Russia korotp@bk.ru

Fadeeva I.M.

Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Department Head, Center for analyze and foresight of Science and Technology development Industrial Policy, Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia fadeeva5@yandex.ru

ID of the Article: 9373

This article results from a research project implemented as part of the Basic Research Program at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE University) and the research project ”Monitoring of the drug situation in the Republic of Mordovia“ at the Scientific Centre of Social and Economic Monitoring.

For citation:

Belova Yu.Yu., Korotkov P.A., Fadeeva I.M. Risk Factors for Drug Addiction (the Case of Mordovia Republic). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2022. No 11. P. 149-153


The aim of the study is to construct a typology of the population of the Republic of Mordovia according to the indicators that determine the risks of drug addiction (perception of proximity to drug users and perception of drug availability). The first stage is using cluster analysis. The second aspect of the goal is to identify socio-demographic factors that affect belonging to the types found (regression analysis). The results of the analysis revealed three groups of the population of the Republic of Mordovia aged from 14 to 60 years: a “low-risk” cluster, an “intermediate” cluster, and a “high-risk” cluster. At the second stage, the socio-demographic characteristics of the groups are found out. Men are more likely to include into the cluster oflow-risk and high-risk drug use. Getting into a low-risk cluster is more influenced by living in rural areas.

drug addiction; social; perceived available


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Content No 11, 2022