Value Pillars of Russian’ Identity under Conditions of Foreign Challenges

Value Pillars of Russian’ Identity under Conditions of Foreign Challenges

Ryzhova S.V.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Leading Research Fellow, Center for Interethnic Relations Studies, Institute of Sociology FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia

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Ryzhova S.V. Value Pillars of Russian’ Identity under Conditions of Foreign Challenges. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2024. No 9. P. 56-66


Based on the data of the general sociological survey of the population of the Russian Federation population in February- March 2024, the value foundations of the all- Russian identity are being studied, which are gaining more and more weight in the context of foreign policy pressures and confrontation between Russia and the collective West. Conceptual basis of the study is theoretical approaches to the exploring identity, values and formation processes of a political nation. The study showed that under the influence of the current president’s discourse and concepts enshrined in the leading strategic planning documents on sovereignty, traditional values and moral leadership, as well as thanks to the symbolic support from the Russian Orthodox Church, an all- Russian identity acquires the features of a macropolitical territorial- state identity. Hierarchically, leading values of the all- Russian macropolitical identity involve both conservative and classical liberal values: “faith in Russia” (42%), “common moral values” (38%), “respect for the rule of law and the rights of citizens, economic and political freedoms” (33%).). The conclusion is made that the value of “faith in Russia” due to its wide content format, political uncertainty and reliance on the all- Russian cultural canon allows it to become an ideological source for nation’s consolidation.

all- Russian identity; macropolitical identity; values; political nation; nations consolidation


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Content No 9, 2024