Conflicting cultures- what creates and shapes them?
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Rubric: Sociological journalism
For citation:
Conflicting cultures- what creates and shapes them?. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2015. No 2. P. 141-147
The article reveals social manifestations of the two types of culture first described by Y.M. Lotman in his “The Contract” and “Presentation of themselves” as the archetypal model of culture. The methodology of institutionally-dichotomous approach is applied in analyzing two types of culture revealing their fundamental differences. The aim is to identify dynamics of the development in line with two .types of cultures leading to formation of government and social climate of two different types - autarkies’ and democracies. Over 100 differences between two types of states and social systems are listed.
primitive culture; modem culture; “Culture of contract”; “Presentation of oneself” culture; totem; magic; autarky; democracy
Content No 2, 2015