Quality and availability of medical services: population and health care experts’ opinions

Quality and availability of medical services: population and health care experts’ opinions

Karpikova I.S.

Baikal State University of Economics and Law, Irkutsk, Russia ikarpikova@mail.ru

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For citation:

Karpikova I.S. Quality and availability of medical services: population and health care experts’ opinions. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2015. No 6. P. 53-57


While issues of social sphere efficiency are given priority today, attention is also drawn to assessment of its key performance indicators. Sociological research results regarding aspects of health care activities are discussed. There is a wide range of issues related to population health and its level of satisfaction with health care institutions performance, the problem of quality and availability of medical services invokes great interest. Prior to that conclusion, a comparative analysis of the results of the population questionnaires and interviews with the representatives of the leadership and experts in the sphere of health care was conducted. Such analysis enabled to reveal similar and distinctive features in population and experts’ assessments of the public health state and health care institutions functioning problems.

health; health care; quality of medical services; availability of medical services
Content No 6, 2015