Higher education: struggling for quality or encroaching on human potential? (part 2)
Smolin О.N.
Committee of State Duma on Education, Moscow, Russia smolin@duma.gov.ru
Smolin О.N. Higher education: struggling for quality or encroaching on human potential? (part 2). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2015. No 7. P. 30-37
A higher quality of education is impossible without its considerably greater financing and social guaranties. At the same time, following measures are proposed: 1) de-bureaucratization – that is, less indices for licencing, accreditation and controls of education institutions functioning; reduction of reporting indices; 2) democratization of education administering – real electivity of rectors, heads of departments, institutes and chairs, evaluation of teachers performance quality with students opinions’ taken into consideration; 3) USE (unitary state examination) reform towards greater numbers of creative assigments; 4) elaboration of special qualimetric characteristics to assess quality of education.