Conflict and structures of social movements (on O.N. Yanitskiy’s book “Sotsialnyie dvizhenia: teoriya, praktika, perspectiva” (Social movements: theory, practice, prospects). Ì., 2013)
Àleynikov À.V.
St.-Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, Russia
Rubric: Reflecting on a new book
For citation:
Àleynikov À.V. Conflict and structures of social movements (on O.N. Yanitskiy’s book “Sotsialnyie dvizhenia: teoriya, praktika, perspectiva” (Social movements: theory, practice, prospects). Ì., 2013). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2015. No 7. P. 166-172
Content No 7, 2015