Professional community of IT-sphere workers: networks aspect

Professional community of IT-sphere workers: networks aspect

Zemnukhova L.V.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Senior Research Fellow at the Sociological Institute of the FCTAS RAS, Research Fellow at the Center for Science and Technology Studies, European University at St.-Petersburg, St.-Petersburg, Russia.

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For citation:

Zemnukhova L.V. Professional community of IT-sphere workers: networks aspect. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2014. No 1. P. 146-150


The author discusses theoretical foundations of research among the workers in the sphere of information technologies as a professional community. Empirical material demonstrates possibility to study them as a network structure. There are properties of the network principle of organization, lacking clear boundaries, possibility to combine disparate subjects, independence of the functioning of the entire network from the difficulties of private "spot", and the terms of inclusion/exclusion in relation to workers and information technology.

information technology; network society; professional community
Content No 1, 2014