Social issues of industrial units’ transformation
Zakharov V.Ya.
Nizhniy-Novgorod State Architecture and Construction University, Nizhniy-Novgorod, Russia
Voronin G.L.
Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of sciences, Moscow, Russia
Zakharov I.V.
Scienific and Technologic Center “Information Technologies”, Moscow, Russia
For citation:
Zakharov V.Ya., Voronin G.L., Zakharov I.V. Social issues of industrial units’ transformation. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2014. No 2. P. 25-36
Social issues are analyzed that arise in the process of withdrawal of industrial enterprises out of the crisis and their transit to sustainable development, as well as the factor determining this dynamics. It is demonstrated that “soft” transformation is to prefer to the “hard’ one.
competitiveness; transformation; values; satisfaction with job; communications
Content No 2, 2014