Critique of the Western civilization bases in M. Scheler sociology
Malinkin A.N.
National research University “Higher school of Economics”
Rubric: History of sociology
For citation:
Malinkin A.N. Critique of the Western civilization bases in M. Scheler sociology. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2014. No 2. P. 76-85
M. Scheler’s philosophical socioilogy contains deep critique of cultural anthropopogic bases of the Western civilization. Scheler characterizes the cultural type of Western civilization individual as a non-balanced one: it is insufficiently self-oriented inward on itself, to self-perfection, hence it is aggressive and expansive, directed to the outside world. Developing J. Vico’s views, Scheler concludes that the people of Western civilization are potentially prone to what is called “civilized barbarism”.
critique of positivism; pragmatism; philosophical anthropology; phenomenological sociology of knowledge
Content No 2, 2014