Conceptual ideas of mixed methods research: stages of development and current debates

Conceptual ideas of mixed methods research: stages of development and current debates

Savinskaya O.B.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Assoc. Prof., the Department of Sociology the Faculty of Social Sciences, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia

Istomina А.G.

National research university Higher school of economics, Moscow, Russia

Larkina Т.Yu.

National research university Higher school of economics, Moscow, Russia

Кruglova К.D.

National research university Higher school of economics, Moscow, Russia

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For citation:

Savinskaya O.B., Istomina А.G., Larkina Т.Yu., Кruglova К.D. Conceptual ideas of mixed methods research: stages of development and current debates. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2016. No 8. P. 21-29


This article explores the situation of mixed methods research (MMR) as a special strategy of combining several research methods. Changes in the conceptual frameworks since 1960th to present times concerned the concept of triangulation in the modes of research designs implementing combination and integration of qualitative and quantitative methods. The classification grounds for research design modelling proposed by J. Greene and his colleagues, A. Bryman and J. Cresswell are analyzed. Special ethical issues emerging from using of MMR are dicussed.

mixed methods research; research design; multi-methods research; qualitative/quantitative methodology; pragmatism; knowledge integration; classification of methods
Content No 8, 2016