Social well-being of youth in the Republic of Tuva
Sevek V.K.
Tuva State University, Republic of Tuva, Russia
Soyan Sh.Ch.
Cand. Sci. (Econ.), Leading Researcher, Tuvinian Institute for Exploration of Natural Resources SB RAS, Kyzyl, Russia
Sevek R.M.
Tuva State University, Republic of Tuva, Russia
Rubric: Facts. Comments. Notes
For citation:
Sevek V.K., Soyan Sh.Ch., Sevek R.M. Social well-being of youth in the Republic of Tuva. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2016. No 9. P. 141-144
The article discusses the evolution of the social development conditions on basis of the results of sociological research “Social well-being of youth in the Republic of Tuva”, identifies the values and spiritual guidelines that dominate in young people and examines their potential social activities and main migration installation.
the Republic of Tuva; social well-being; youth; self-esteem; sociological research; population
Content No 9, 2016