Social anxiety and social fears of Russia’s population: sociological dimension
Dolgorukova I.V.
Dr. Sci (Soc.), Prof., Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia
Kirilina T. Yu.
Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Head of Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Leonov Moscow Region University of Technological; Prof. of the Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia
Mazaev Yu.N.
Сand. Sci (Soc.), Assoc. Prof., Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia
Yudina T.N.
Dr. Sci (Sociol.), Prof., Head of Department of Sociology of the Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia
Dolgorukova I.V., Kirilina T. Yu., Mazaev Yu.N., Yudina T.N. Social anxiety and social fears of Russia’s population: sociological dimension. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 2. P. 57-66
In this article, dynamics of social anxiety and social concerns of the Russian Federation citizens are analyzed on the basis of public opinion nationwide survey related to activities of internal affairs officers in 85 regions of the Russian Federation. Main events are discussed that cause these phenomena. Differences in the assessment of events and phenomena were revdealed that generate the greatest concern for Russians at the Federal and regional levels. More respondents are concerned with growing tariffs for housing and communal services, poverty, low wages, pensions and quality of care. According to the survey, the greatest social fears of Russians are connected with fears for welfare of one’s family, for the children’s future and fear of diseases. At the same time there is some decrease in citizens’ concern on the above issues. Against background of the crisis in Russian economy, the level of concern for possibile loss of jobs has risen, too. The situation where the respondents have fears in 25 positions in varying degrees, and the level of fears in some of them as high as 70% and more, makes us think about the health of the whole society. Social anxiety and social concerns reflected in the mass consciousness affects assessment of the state of the social system, are an indicator of social anomie and evaluation of adaptation resources, they indicate a source of threats.
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