St.-Petersburg University sociological school: on the question of sociologist’s professional competences formation

St.-Petersburg University sociological school:
on the question of sociologist’s professional competences formation

Lomonosova M.V.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Assoc. Prof. of the Chair of Theory and History of Sociology, St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia

Bogomiagkova E.S.

Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Assoc. Prof. of the Chair of Theory and History of Sociology, St.- Petersburg State University, St.-Petersburg, Russia

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For citation:

Lomonosova M.V., Bogomiagkova E.S. St.-Petersburg University sociological school: on the question of sociologist’s professional competences formation. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 2. P. 154-156


The article summarizes the main results of work during last six years and outlines main prospects for further activities of the innovative educational project “Sociological School of St.-Petersburg University”. Formation of professional competences is an important issue for the modern educational system, but it is not always possible within the traditional forms of learning. The interactive nature of the classes in the Sociological School of St.-Petersburg University, as well as the inclusion of the “empirical phase” in the program of the event create conditions for the development of the participants’ competences related to the study and solution of urgent social problems, planning and carrying out independent empirical research. Development of the skills of conducting historical and archival research deserves special attention. Sociological School of St.-Petersburg University allows to integrate modern scientific research into the educational process, becomes an area of sociological community reproducing and the inclusion of young professionals into it.

Sociological School of St.-Petersburg University; innovative educational project; professional competences; methods of sociology; archival research
Content No 2, 2017