Professional potential of academic organizations: characteristics and social security
Lokosof V.V.
Dr. Sci. (Soc.), Prof, Head of the Institute, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Toksanbaeva M.S.
Dr. Ec. (Econ.), Head of the Laboratory, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Kolennikova O.A.
Cand. Ec. (Econ.), Senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Guzanova A.K.
Senior researcher, Institute of Socio-Economic Studies of Population, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Lokosof V.V., Toksanbaeva M.S., Kolennikova O.A., Guzanova A.K. Professional potential of academic organizations: characteristics and social security. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2017. No 3. P. 70-78
This article analyzes the qualitative characteristics (education, qualification, demographic characteristics, attitude to work, to labor mobility, etc.), as well as the use and working conditions, of the scientific staff of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The article applies methods of evaluation of the professional potential of organizations and social security in the workplace in accordance with developed under auspices of the ILO concept of decent work. The statistical base of the research is information gathered by questionnaires filled out by employees of the Academy in 2015. The analysis revealed that the scientific staff is well-suited to research work, especially in their creative and exploratory activities, which generates considerable job satisfaction with a significant part of the staff. At the same time, it showed serious limitations in the application and development of this potential related to the problems in skill reproduction security, labor income security and employment security. It is confirmed that work-related security is a scarce resource that is unevenly distributed across the staff of scientific organizations. The greatest security is inherent in the human resources of older scholars, reaching a peak of skill and high job positions. Young staff, as well as the largest cohort of workers aged from 30 to 50, experience increased insecurity in the area of professional and career growth, wages, availability of social benefits and employment stability. These employees therefore have a stronger desire to change jobs, including through migration abroad, which runs counter to the need to rejuvenate the staff of academic science. In this regard, the issues of security in the workplace gain the support of promising scientific personnel and are essential for the present and future of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Equally important is the increasing demand for scientific research that contributes to a higher use of professional skills of employees and improving the social significance of scientific work.
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