Political culture of modern Russian society: sociological dimentions and reality
Levashov V.K.
Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Head оf the Center for Strategic Social and Socio-political Research, Institute of Socio-Political Research of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia. levachov@mail.ru
Levashov V.K. Political culture of modern Russian society: sociological dimentions and reality. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 7. P. 50-60
The Russian civil society and law-based state entered a new cycle of development, that began with the election of the President of the Russian Federation. The election campaign highlighted the political life of our society in the aggregate of the actions of state institutions, leaders, elites, experts and citizens who made their political choice. This campaign provided the scientific community with an opportunity to reflect on the state of political culture of the society and state and on the demand for political sociology and political science in this regard, which continue to be scientific instruments of knowledge and management in the modern world. The main sensation of this campaign was the actual dysfunction of the «Yedinaya Rossiya» - the ruling party in the country. The current President of the Russian Federation V. Putin didn't take the risk to be the candidate of this party. The dynamics of the public rating of political parties shows that the party-political system does not have a broad social base in our country. To associate his name with the «Yedinaya Rossiya» would result in the loss of support of a huge array of voters who are willing to vote for him, but will not vote for a party, that, as sociology fairly shows, is now clearly experiencing a lack of trust. The correct definition of the direction of the vector of the current development of society is the strategically important problem for society and its political leaders. The trend of dysfunction of a number of world and local institutions and the rise of political culture contradictions are escalating in the context of the economic crisis. The dialectical nature of the global and local liberal political culture requires a systematic scientific approach to the study, measurement and investigation for the fundamental causes of crisis phenomena.
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