Professional ethics in the context of the sociology of professions: a review of international conceptions

Professional ethics in the context of the sociology of professions: a review of international conceptions

Аbramov R.N.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Prof., Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, National Research University Higher School of Economics; Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia

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Аbramov R.N. Professional ethics in the context of the sociology of professions: a review of international conceptions. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2018. No 7. P. 87-94


The article presents an analysis of selected concepts of professional ethics including the char¬acteristic of the understanding professional moral in varying approaches in sociology of professions with an emphasis on the development of the Durkheimian perspective and key concepts of professionalism. Also in this article the explication of the concepts of ethical knowledge is given, that is important in the context of the overviewing practical problems of the ethical behavior of professionals with reference to the latest re¬search in the disciplinary field of the sociology of morality. The question of the correlation of universal ethical principles and the actual normative components of professional work is unresolved. The topic of what the formalized principles of professional ethics are - do they serve as a simple ideological shell for justifying the high social status of certain professions, and how they relate to everyday practice of decision-making and to what extent they interact with the phronetic basis of the actions of specialists.

professions; moral intuition; moral stress; ethical knowledge; professional ethics; sociology of moral


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Content No 7, 2018