Social Activity of the Student Youth: Factor and Cluster Analysis
Shchemeleva I.I.
senior lecturer of Sociology Department, Novosibirsk state university of economics and management, Novosibirsk, Russia
Shchemeleva I.I. Social Activity of the Student Youth: Factor and Cluster Analysis. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2019. No 4. P. 133-141
The article presents a factor and cluster analysis of the social activity of student youth. The empirical basis of the study was the results of a survey of students in Novosibirsk. 1074 students from the largest universities of the city were interviewed. The use of factor analysis has made it possible to identify the orientation of the social activity of student youth, the motives that guide students in the manifestation of the social activity. Due to factor analysis students were distributed according to the directions of activity in the university such as focus on management, focus on organizing events, focus on participation in events, focus on sport activity, focus on research work. Through the cluster analysis four homogeneous groups of students were singled out, which are depend on the social activity. The identified orientations, motives, factors and types can be useful for developing techniques and technologies for involving young people in active social participation.
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