Jurgen Habermas’ Post-marxism and Dialectics of Social Development

Jurgen Habermas’ Post-marxism and Dialectics of Social Development

Ivanov D.V.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Prof., St. Petersburg state university, St. Petersburg, Russia dvi2001@rambler.ru

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Ivanov D.V. Jurgen Habermas’ Post-marxism and Dialectics of Social Development. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2019. No 6. P. 26-36


The article is dedicated to analysis of J. Habermas’ contribution to sociological theorizing with special focus on his conception of the modern society development. The neo-Marxist and post-Marxist phases in his intellectual career have been characterized. Habermas’ integrative paradigm and his two-level theory of society are interpreted as a new perspective on goals and indicators of social development. Being presented as foundations of sociality, communicative rationality and communicative action correspond to current processes of social development, but in Habermas’ theory they are used to deter social changes and to defend values and institutions of the previous centuries from the past. Conception of the life-world defense against the system expansion is a kind of conservative utopia. Under today’s virtualization and post-virtualization conditions the life-world is not conservative reality of everyday routine but augmented reality constructed by creative and mobile communications and supported by network and flow structures. In such augmented social reality, communicative action creates meanings, symbolic structures legitimating purposive-rational action and the system.

Habermas; critical theory; communicative action; social development; dialectics


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Content No 6, 2019