Pavlov B.S. Sociological Research at the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of RAS (a Half-century Perspective on 1968–2018 Research). Yekaterinburg: IE UrO RAN, 2018. Rev. by V.P. Zasypkin
Zasypkin V.P.
Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Rector of Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut, Russia
Rubric: Book reviews
For citation:
Zasypkin V.P. Pavlov B.S. Sociological Research at the Institute of Economics, Ural Branch of RAS (a Half-century Perspective on 1968–2018 Research). Yekaterinburg: IE UrO RAN, 2018. Rev. by V.P. Zasypkin. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2020. No 3. P. 163-165
Content No 3, 2020