Augmented Modernity: Effects of Post-globalization and Post-virtualization

Augmented Modernity: Effects of Post-globalization and Post-virtualization

Ivanov D.V.

Dr. Sci. (Sociol.), Prof., St. Petersburg state university, St. Petersburg, Russia

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The paper is supported by RFBR, project No. 18-18-00132.

For citation:

Ivanov D.V. Augmented Modernity: Effects of Post-globalization and Post-virtualization. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2020. No 5. P. 44-55


The article is presenting a new approach to conceptualization of social change. Discourses of the postmodern and globalization are in crisis. Postmodernist ‘the end of the social’ did not come and globalization resulted not in the ‘world society’ but in the networked super-urban enclaves of globality where flows of things, symbols, and humans made social life super-intensive and contrasting with the social life decline in surrounding towns and rural areas. Development of megacities as points of access to networks and flows is a tendency of post-globalization. At the same time, reality of post-virtualization arises because after virtualization of social reality this reality does not disappear, as postmodernists presupposed, but it is becoming more intensive and taking forms which can be characterized as ‘augmented modernity’. Metaphor of augmented reality becomes an effective tool of analysis in places where different social realities are mutually penetrating and where physical and digital, material and symbolic, private and public, production and consumption components of human existence are mixed and integrated.

augmented modernity; post-globalization; post-virtualization; social development


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Content No 5, 2020