Comprehending Russia and the World: Concerning a Failed Sociological Study (about “Comprehending Russia: a Sociologist`s View”, the book by P. I. Smirmov)

Comprehending Russia and the World: Concerning a Failed Sociological Study (about “Comprehending Russia: a Sociologist`s View”, the book by P. I. Smirmov)

Trubitsyn D.V.

Dr. Sci. (Philos.), Prof., Transbaikalian State University, Chita, Russia

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For citation:

Trubitsyn D.V. Comprehending Russia and the World: Concerning a Failed Sociological Study (about “Comprehending Russia: a Sociologist`s View”, the book by P. I. Smirmov). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2020. No 7. P. 166-172


P.I. Smirnov’s book claims to be a synthetic sociological study of Russia and the world civilization proposing a new conceptual framework. However, providing an interesting general theoretical analysis of the problems of social studies (not sociological ones), the author fully subordinated his work to ideology. The book lacks strictly sociological methods, as well as empirical data. Theoretic constructs developed by the author are applied not to the study in question but to political manifestations. It results in a cognitive theory, well-developed philosophically but justifying a rather primitive world view: dividing societies into harmonious “home-service” civilizations and aggressive “market-based” ones. The study is characterized by the extensive use of cultural stereotypes, myths and official historiographic clichés.

sociology; social comprehension; method; ideology; enemy image


Gudkov L.D. (2011) Abortive Modernization. Moscow: ROSSPEN.

Smirnov P.I. (2020) Comprehending Russia: a Sociologist's View. Saint Petersburg: Aletheia.

Content No 7, 2020