General and Specific Criteria for Precarious Employment: Empirical Analysis

General and Specific Criteria for Precarious Employment: Empirical Analysis

Toshchenko Zh.T.

Corresponding Member of RAS, Head of Department, Russian State University for the Humanities; Chief Researcher; Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia

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The article is supported by the RSF, project No. 18-18-00024.

For citation:

Toshchenko Zh.T. General and Specific Criteria for Precarious Employment: Empirical Analysis. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2020. No 9. P. 90-102


Based on the definition of the nature and content of precarious employment, the article shows its real state on the basis of empirical research, reveals and characterizes its main features. This analysis is based on the previously formulated indicators (criteria) of precarious employment and on the results of all-Russian studies conducted by the social research team of the Russian State University for Humanities in 2018 and 2019. It is on the basis of these studies that the general and specific features of precarious employment in the economy as a whole in the economy and in three industries that employ the largest share involved in these labor relations are considered. Accordingly, social and legal status of workers, the situation regarding the organization of the labor process, material support of life, social guarantees, (co)participation in decision-making, and primarily in the workplace, as well as the degree of confidence in one’s future, are analyzed. In conclusion, suggestions are made taking into account characteristics of carriers of precarious labor status in the current and future state policies.

precarious employment; indicators of precarious employment; labor contract; labor organization; labor remuneration; social guarantees; (co)participation in management; future life of employees
Content No 9, 2020