To the Origins of Russian Social Worldview: the Theme of “Grace”
Shmerlina I.A.
Cand. Sci. (Philos.), Senior researcher, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Shmerlina I.A. To the Origins of Russian Social Worldview: the Theme of “Grace”. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2021. No 1. P. 28-37
The article deals with the antithesis of Law and Grace, presented in the work “The Word about Law and Grace” by presbyter Hilarion, later Metropolitan of Kiev (mid. 11th century). The historical and sociological interest in this work is justified by its undoubted importance for revealing the mental origins of the Russian social worldview and, in the long term, the ideological and value prerequisites of the national sociological discourse. The consequences of the value choice set by the dilemma of the Law/Grace for the formation of the national civil-law culture are noted. It is proposed to consider Slavophilism and The Russian ethical-sociological subjective school through the prism of this dilemma. The development of this dilemma in differentiating the concepts of law and truth, truth and truth, “truth-truth” and “truth-justice” (N.K. Mikhailovsky) is shown. It is suggested that the ideological and worldview complex in which Grace dominates the Law, determined the specific feature of Russian sociological thought during its formation – the priority of moral sense and ethics over objective lawconformity (N.G. Mikhailovsky, P.L. Lavrov).
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