Active Citizenship: Concept and its Empirical Projections (Based on the Results of Tyumen Youth Survey)
Malenkov V.V.
Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Assoc. Prof., Tyumen State University, Tiumen, Russia
The reported study was funded by RFBR, project No. 19-011-00632.
Malenkov V.V. Active Citizenship: Concept and its Empirical Projections (Based on the Results of Tyumen Youth Survey). Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2021. No 3. P. 131-136
The article examines the concept of “active citizenship”, which is rarely used in Russia to describe civil and political reality. The theoretical part reveals the main semantic contexts of the concept, its structure. Active citizenship is presented in three dimensions: as civic participation, as civic engagement, as value orientations towards active citizenship. In the practical part, the author describes the representation of active citizenship among the youth of a large Russian city. The material for empirical analysis is the data of a questionnaire survey of youth in Tyumen. Along with the frequency description, the method of cluster analysis is used, which made it possible to distinguish five homogeneous groups: “passive”, “digital reserve”, “offline reserve”, “social asset” and “digital asset”. These clusters differ in terms of experience of civic participation, civic engagement, and orientation toward active citizenship as a value.