Television in Convergent Media Environment: Audience Trends
Nazarov M.M.
Dr. Sci. (Polit.), Chief Researcher, Institute of Socio-Political Research of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Nazarov M.M. Television in Convergent Media Environment: Audience Trends. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2021. No 6. P. 69-78
The article focusses on the last decade TV consumption trends in Russia. The concept of media convergence forms theoretical basis of the research. Due to convergence, the configuration of screen consumption, including television and online video, changes. The research provides evidence that in the first half of the last decade there was an increase in the average television viewing time. After 2016, a gradual decline in the audience’s attention to television took place. During the latest crisis associated with the pandemic, the trend of a decrease in the Russian television audience reversed. Media convergence processes brings for broadcast television further increase of competition with streaming services, video exchange services, online movie theatres. Based on representative sample of Russian population, the results show that nearly third of the audience believes that television plays an important role in their life and leisure. It is recorded that negative attitude to television is primarily predicted by variables of dissatisfaction with the choice and content of programs; belonging to a group of young people aged 15–24 years; dissatisfaction with the implementation of the information function by Russian television. The author argues that the domination of the commercial imperative and mass formats of postmodern culture forms a moral and emotional content of a significant part of television programs. Often, this does not correspond to the interests of a sufficiently wide audience. Under current conditions, television does not perform a number of social functions important for Russian society.
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