Emotional Component of the All-Russian Identity: Positive and Negative Contexsts
Ryzhova S.V.
Cand. Sci. (Sociol.), Leading Researcher, Center for the Study of Interethnic Relations, Institute of Sociology of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia Silica2@yandex.ru
The research was funded by RFBR, project No. 20-011-00241.
Ryzhova S.V. Emotional Component of the All-Russian Identity: Positive and Negative Contexsts. Sotsiologicheskie issledovaniya [Sociological Studies]. 2022. No 4. P. 21-32
The paper оffers the results of the study dedicated to the All-Russian identity on the basis of theory of social identity and sociology of emotions. It describes the analysis of the representation of moral emotions (pride, faith and shame vs Russia) in media during 2019–2020. Positive emotions were widely represented there, while negative emotion of shame posing a threat to positive All-Russian identity is not mentioned, although it is present in the public opinion of Russians. The dynamics of feelings towards Russia is analyzed basing on All-Russian sociological surveys in 2015, 2020. It is noted that the structure of All-Russian identity is dominated by positive emotions – love, pride and respect for the country. Indignation, resentment and shame are also present in the Russian identity, but they are not of a mass nature. There is a decrease in the level of positive emotions and an increase in the level of negative emotions towards the country in 2020. The article reveals an interdependence of the emotional component of All-Russian identity and some indicators of subjective well-being – satisfaction with work, wages and life in general.
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